Thursday, October 6, 2011


1. Be persistent and give yourself time for momentum to kick in.

2. Make up in numbers what you lack in skills.

3. Celebrate success at every step.

4. Learn to manage the opinions - everyone has a right to have one - never make it personal.

5. You are not the message, you are the messenger.

6. Your family and friends may not understand the journey you are on.

7. Everything works when we work.

8. If you get overwhelmed and confused, go back to doing the basics.

9. Pass the three-part test - loyalty, work habits, consistency.

10. Have a warrior spirit. Set objectives and take action every day.

11. Make a commitment to any new activity. Succeeding at something is about taking not making a decision.

12. Being successful is the ability to continue with your plan long after the emotion and circumstances surrounding your original decision has passed.

13. Your confidence is what makes you attractive in the market place. People buy people they know, like and trust.

14. Avoid negative thinking and negative people that bring you down and steal your dreams.

15. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Growth comes from stepping outside your comfort zone.

16. Run to your fears. The place where your greatest fears live is also the place where your greatest growth lies. (Robin Sharma)

17. An ounce of action is worth a ton of ebooks.

18. All excuses are equal and none of them count.