Wednesday, December 3, 2014

5 Steps to Being Rich


5 Steps to Being Rich

Do you want to be rich? Is being rich important to you? Are you wondering how to be wealthy? Well, here are five steps to help you on your way to being rich.

First, start saving. Rich people save all the time. They do not tend to spend money on lots of unnecessary items. They make sure that they put aside money and sa
ve it.
Being rich means a slow accumulation of wealth. Unless you hit it big you will not get all this money really fast. Therefore, if you want to be rich you need to start saving money.

Second, don’t buy luxury items. Studies show that rich people actually buy luxury items a lot less than poor people. Look in your garage. Do you have a Mercedes? Or, do you own a Toyota? Studies show that millionaires tend to own Toyotas much more
than Mercedes. What does this mean?
This means that they are not spending money on getting something just for status.
Instead, they are spending money and looking at items as things of utility. So, a Toyota and a Mercedes are both cars. They will both get you from one point to another. Why buy a car that is much more expensive? Instead, buy items that are useful and don’t spend extra to gain status.

Third, think of ways to earn extra income. Rich people work very hard. Money is not just given to them. Some of them work multiple jobs to save up. After you have additional cash to invest, you may not have to work multiple jobs. But in the beginning you will have to figure out how to make the most money as fast as possible. Get a second job. Do additional consulting on the side. You will never be
rich if you do not work extra hard.

Four-Stop passing over opportunities reapeatedly The full meaning of POOR is actually "passing over opportunities repeatedly" What most people are good at is
passing over opportunities reapeatedly, so tell, me why wont they be poor? I've shared several lifechanging info/opportunities with some of my subscribers within the last 3months.
But because of the meager N5,000/10,000 naira that they need to acquire this life changing info, some of them decided to tag it as scam and because of this, most of them decided to pass it over. Maybe you are even one of them. No wonder why the rich
would continue to get richer and the poor poorer, you know why? because the rich would always look for opportunities to multiply his/her wealth irrespective of the risk involved.
But Some people on the other hand ,would remain poor because they are so scared of risking the only money that they have got. Small time, they will start blaming the Government/parents for their poverty/joblessness. Your being poor/Jobless is your fault. Stop holding people responsible for it.

You expect people to pity you and give you things for free. Good things are not free and good things do not come cheap either. Life is all about risk. The rich are risk takers. If you want to be rich/wealthy, you must be ready to pay the price. You will
remain poor until you change your mentality. If every opportunity you see continues to look like a scam to you, then sorry to say this, you would only remain poorer. So change your mentality today. Every opportunity you see on the net is not a SCAM

Finally, learn to invest. Rich people know how to invest their money. Whether it is buying real estate or stocks or any other types of items, rich people know what to invest in and how to manage their money. If you don’t know how to invest, take a course or read up on line. Learn as much as you can about investing. It is important
to manage your money wisely. A rich person can turn one dollar into $10. Can you do that?

Being rich and prosperous is about knowing the right way to do things and having the fundamentals. Make sure you have the skills above so you to get know how to be wealthy

Monday, October 20, 2014

Success Tips For Maximum Achievement

First off, I would echo the voice of 18th century French philosopher Voltaire, made popular and relevant in today’s leadership lexicon by "Good to Great" author Jim Collins, who said, "Good is the Enemy of Great."

 1. "Good is the Enemy of Great." Get rid of the good to make room for the great in your life. Instead of keeping the main thing the main thing, we major in too many minor things. In other words, many people do a few things that are good, a lot of things that are mediocre, but nothing that is GREAT. Find the ONE thing you can be the best in the world at and focus unrelentingly on improving that one thing, polishing it to perfection. Choose great over good in ALL areas of your life! It is far better to have a few great things than a lot of good or mediocre things. Instead of having six cheap shirts that you don’t feel so great in, have one fine quality shirt that you can feel proud to wear and that makes you feel like a million bucks! Instead of having five or six ho-hum paintings to decorate your walls, invest in ONE magnificent masterpiece that leaves you breathless and enriches your soul every time you look at it! Instead of going to the usual cottage retreat every long-weekend, save up your money and go on one GREAT vacation that you’ve always dreamed of like going on a European boat-cruise, snorkeling in the Red Sea, or taking an art class in Paris. Instead of many mediocre friendships, have a few great friendships that energize and inspire you and that you can spend quality time fostering deeper relationships. You get the point. Greatness is a choice! And choice is the democratic equalizer of all people. Everyone, regardless of their rank, social status or income level has the power to choose great over good.

 2. Commit to an annual theme. Instead of making and breaking a number of well-wished but half-hearted New Year’s Resolutions, commit to an annual or lifetime theme. Pick a theme that defines your singular life purpose or what you are most passionate about and stick to it. For example, my theme is: "Write First!" I have this theme posted right in front of me above my computer. My purpose is to write. I write first and ask questions later. I focus on writing (or things related to developing my writing) first and then worry about the urgent but non-important interruptions (paying bills, answering calls and emails, responding to invitations, etc.) that plague everyone. This theme takes precedence over everything else except my spiritual relationship with my Creator. The only exception to this rule would be a genuinely important priority that falls in one of my top values in life or attending to a family emergency. Your main theme for 2006 could be "Family First!" or "Health First!" or "Listen First!" or "Service Above Self." Just pick one and commit to it. Beside your main theme, make a list of your top values such as love, health, giving, peace, wealth, etc. to ground yourself and distinguish between important and non-important but urgent matters. In his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin listed thirteen virtues (Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, and Humility) to which he governed his life and gave a week’s strict attention to mastering one virtue at a time repeating the list in order every thirteen weeks.
 3. Practice a policy of planned neglect. In other words, once you have established your theme or singular purpose (the one thing you can be the best in the world at) get into the habit of practicing your main habit FIRST before anything else. Everything else that’s non-important can get neglected and keep getting put-off. In other words, your daily to-do list will keep changing around your main theme which will remain constant – with very few exceptions.

 4. Make a stop doing list. I’m not sure where I first heard this idea, but I borrowed it most recently from Jim Collin’s book, "Good to Great." Too many people have important to-do lists that keep getting longer and longer. But very few people have ‘stop-doing’ lists. Make a list of everything you are doing that is not contributing to your core genius or main purpose and core values – and stop doing it! Forget about your image and what other people will think, and STOP doing what’s not great in your life.

 5. Be Simple. Get rid of the good to make room for the great. Literally! Get rid of the junk in your basement and file folders! Anything you haven’t touched or looked at in a year you probably need to get rid of it. Donate books and magazines you haven’t read and clothes you know you’re never going to wear. Empty your mind and physical space of unnecessary clutter and make room for abundance! (Daily meditation is a great way to empty the mind and allow new inspiration)

. 6. Make HEALTH a priority NOW! Get a full physical check-up at least once a year. If something’s bothering you or you don’t feel right about something, get it checked out IMMEDIATELY! Don’t wait, until it’s too late. Take a proactive approach to your health by taking preventative measures, eating healthy and exercising regularly. And make LOVE a top priority. If you haven’t taken the time to tell your loved ones how deeply you value and love them, then make time for it now. Are you still reading this article? WHY? Pick-up your phone, right now, and call your doctor to make that appointment! Call your loved ones now and book some real quality time together. Life is short and fragile. You may never get the chance again. 

7. Dreams. The dream is a window into your soul, a gateway into the unseen world, giving access to the unknown and revealing the invisible behind all that is visible. In his book, "Psychology of the Hero Soul," ( Sharif Khan mentioned the importance of dreams and how to harness your dreams to awaken your creative potential. I can’t stress enough how important it is to get into the habit of jotting down your dreams and making an effort to interpret them. It is a great way to develop self-awareness and self-understanding and will enrich your life in many, many unforeseen ways. Self-awareness and self-acceptance is so important in developing your self-esteem. Take the time to seriously ask yourself, "Who am I and what’s my purpose in life?" Write down your strengths and weakness, your highest ambitions and deepest fears, and make a list of everything you enjoy doing and all your hobbies. Take some personality tests to gain deeper understanding of who you are. 

8. Face the brutal facts! Never hide from reality. Always get the hard facts about any situation you are facing. It doesn’t matter if you have a Harvard MBA and are the world’s greatest optimist if you pick the wrong location to open up a retail business! Likewise, face the brutal facts about yourself. If you haven’t even come close to achieving your dreams and goals, you need to honestly ask yourself why you haven’t reached your goals and figure out what has been preventing you. A great way to accomplish this is to ask a few friends you trust and who know you the following question: "How do you see me limiting myself?"  Once you have the facts and fully understand the problem, spend over eighty percent of your time focusing on the solution.

 9. ASK for help! If you need help, ask for it. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Ask for the sale, ask for the date, ask for support. Stop worrying about your image, reject the rejection, and ASK! But don’t just be a taker. Please also give. Earn the right to ask by being a giver. Be a generous giver because whatever you put out into the world will return multiplied. The hero’s journey is about following your bliss, and doing what you love to do in service to others. "Service above self," is a great motto to adopt. 

10. Take Action! In my Hero Soul book, I have dedicated an entire chapter on taking action. The great succeed by taking continuous and concerted action toward a singular objective. And they continue to take unrelenting, consistent action for a period of years before becoming overnight successes. If you do just five new things every day towards achieving your biggest dream, you will one day be living your dream and as Thoreau once said, ‘meet with a success unexpected in common hours.’ But if you aren’t going to take action on the advice in this article, why the heck are you reading it? Move on to something else! One of my favorite movies is "The Shawshank Redemption" (based on Stephen King’s short story, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption) about a successful banker, Andy Dufresne, who is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife. I’m sure many of you have seen it. For nineteen years Dufresne quietly chips away at his goal to escape by literally chipping the wall in his cell – a little bit every day – until one day he reaches his goal and escapes. His jail buddy, Red, comments that all it took "was pressure and time." I don’t think I’ve ever seen any movie replayed so many times on TV. It really intrigued me. So I did some research and found out that according to IMDB, The Shawshank Redemption is the second most popular movie of all time with The Godfather taking first place! That’s quite the accomplishment given how long The Godfather has been out. Why is this movie so popular? I don’t really know the answer. But I think it’s because many people feel like they’re living in a prison and have been given a life sentence to doing work they really hate. They want to break free from their shackles. More than anything else, they want FREEDOM! And Shawshank delivers that moment of freedom. It’s a beautiful story that makes the soul weep with joy and provides the hope and promise of being human. The great thing about Shawshank is that it also provides a solution: by quietly chipping away at your main goal and consistently taking action everyday, you will achieve the success and freedom you have been longing for. With ‘pressure and time’ you can take the darkest coal and turn it into the most brilliant, most magnificent diamond the world has ever seen.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Creating Multiples Streams of Income

If you desire to create multiple streams of income in today's new economy you have to master the basics of wealth attraction according to universal law. Universal law says that whatever we sow, we reap. Now think about that for a minute. Creating multiple streams of income from home has now become a worldwide phenomenon for serious stay at home Moms, dads, retired people, even top business executives, who are now out of the work force due to their companies downsizing. All these people today has at their disposal a means of learning how to create multiple streams of income on part time hours.
The amount you can earn is totally up to you, which is why the idea of multi streams of income is attractive to so many different people. And if you are reading this right now, you are probably one of those people. No worrie's! There's a good reason why you attracted this information to you. Your value is what you bring to the market place.
Because of the rapid growth in awareness of the unending false sense of security in jobs today, people are beginning to realize that it is wise to create multiple streams of income as their "plan b" for safety. And I must say, it is a tough choice for most people to make that kind of shift. However, people fail to realize that inorder to create multiple streams of income, they have to give up something of a lower nature inorder to obtain something of a higher nature.
Let me explain.
The reason why someone wants to create multiple streams of income could be to:
  • take control of their financial future.
  • to travel all over the world
  • to work from the comfort of their own homes.
  • spend time with their loved ones
  • live out their passion and purpose in life.
  • perhaps even become a lifetime multi-millionaire
Now that we've gone through what some of those reasons could be, lets take a look at what something of a higher nature could give you? A wealthy lifestyle with the freedom to do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want.
What will something of a lower nature give you? can you take a guess?…
A mediocre lifestyle that puts you in the category of the 98% of the population who have no dreams, no visions, who rely on the federal government, their employer or family and friends for their main source of income. Now here is where you need to make the mindset shift. Instead of just settling for a regular paycheck from an employer (who dictates what your life is worth to them), you could be smart and invest that money strategically in a part time home based business that has the potential to create multiple income streams for you. That sounds pretty good, right? Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump who are money making masters, stated that your money should work for you…you don't have to trade your precious life for it!.
The main problem for many people is that they don't have enough money to make new money. If you don't change your mindset to that of the wealthy, it can seem as though you're never going to break that cycle of living paycheck to paycheck and get ahead.
However, investing in an online home based business opportunity is the best way to start creating multiple income streams. While most of us are familiar with how investing works, we tend to look at investing as though it is an evil thing, and something that should be avoided at all costs. While this is true to some extent, especially if you are using your investing in the bad way, there is a form of investing that is actually quite beneficial.
You can leverage good investing to gain something of a higher nature. Bad investing is money you spend on credit for things that are completely useless. For example: You can invest in stocks or a home business, and have it return your original investment ten fold, or you can go into debt to buy a flat screen television that is never going to do anything than provide entertainment and collect duvst. This is the main difference between bad and good investment. Using your money to make you money, is the key to creating multiple streams of income. The best stories of the self made entrepreneurs always include the part where they had to get a loan, either from the bank or a friend, to invest in something they believed in. Years later that investment paid off big time in the form of millions of dollars. This exact same technique will work for anyone, provided you know how to be a strategic entreprenuer and sow your seed in multiple channels where you can reap multiple times.